Honda C70 Supercub

Getting the Title

I finally got around to seriously getting the title for my Honda C70 squared away. I have the title, but it is not signed by me yet. It has the previous owner, and his signature that he has sold it. The next step was to contact him and have him sign a “Transfer of Title” form. But, when I tried to get in contact with him a few years ago, I could only get as far as his personal assistant. The previous owner is the retired CEO of a huge auto conglomerate, so I figured he wouldn’t even really care about an old motorbike from 17 years ago. Anyways, the city that I live in now has a nice title transfer policy. Basically , send the form to the last known address in a registered letter with return receipt. Upon them receiving the letter, they have 10 days to respond to me. If I do not receive a response, I can take my return receipt form to the Titling Department, and they will transfer it to me. Or, if the letter comes back to me unopened, they will accept that as sufficient for title transfer.

Today I checked the status of the letter, and saw this:

Label/Receipt Number: 7008 1140 0002 1234 5678

Status: Moved, Left no Address

Your item was returned to the sender on June 3, 2008 because the addressee moved and left no forwarding address.

Woohoo! Looks like I should be receiving my letter back to me, and can take that to the Titling Office and have it transferred over! I can’t wait. Next will be insurance, and then getting the bike inspected. After that, it will be fully legal to ride!

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